Dienstag, 30 Mai 2017 12:12

Bild des Monats Mai - "Sonnenuntergang in Berlin"

Bild des Monats Mai - "Sonnenuntergang in Berlin"

Manchmal muss man einfach an einen bereits bekannten Spot zurückkehren, um ein völlig anderes Bild zu machen als bei einem vorherigen Besuch. Das Bild des Monats im Monat Mai ist vom gleichen Spot aus enstanden wie das Bild des Monas März, zeigt jedoch eine völlig andere Stimmung und gibt euch einen Einblick in diverse Techniken, die ich nutze, um meine Ergebnisse zu erzielen. In diesem Beitrag geht es um die Kombination zweier Aufnahmen, um eine möglichst gleichmäßige Belichtung zu erzielen, ohne dabei auf Techniken wie HDR zurückgreifen zu müssen.


Als Landschaftsfotograf ist man inzwischen mehr oder weniger an die Nachbearbeitung gefesselt. Das meine ich überhaupt nicht negativ, im Gegenteil, es macht Spaß mit LR/PS noch das letzte aus den Bildern raus zu kitzeln. Auch wenn natürlich manche Dinge noch spontan im Workflow entstehen, sollte man die groben Schritte der Bearbeitung aber schon beim Aufnehmen des Bildes im Kopf haben. Hinterher irgendwie an den Reglnern schieben bis es passt kann zwar funktionieren, zeugt aber wenig von zielorientiertem Arbeiten. Gleichzeitig ist man als Fotograf aber immer abhängig vom Licht, d.h. man kann zwar zuhause den Spot planen, den Wetterbericht prüfen und die Ausrüstung entsprechend gestalten, aber wenn vor Ort das Licht nicht zu dem passt, was man sich vorgestellt hat, muss man flexibel sein oder es eben sein lassen.


Ich versuche in der Regel die Aufnahmen so gut es geht vorher zu planen. Gerade bei Sonnenuntergängen ist das aber äußerst schwierig, da kleinste Wolken darüber entscheiden können, ob der Himmel blutrot oder einfach graublau wird. In Berlin hat man im Frühling/Sommer leider oft das Problem, dass in Brandenburg Gewitter ist, während man in der Stadt blauen Himmel vorfindet. Als Resultat hängen am Horizont oft dicke Wolken, die in der Stadt den Sonnenuntergang ruinieren. :D Der Wetterbericht sah aber denkbar gut aus dieses mal, warm, trocken und kleinere Wölkchen am Himmel, perfekte Bedingungen für eine gelungene Aufnahme zum Sonnenuntergang. Mit TPE (hier ein Video von uns dazu) ermittelte ich den Stand der Sonne zum Zeitpunkt des Untergangs, der inzwischen deutlich weiter rechts (vom Spot aus gesehen) liegt, als noch vor 2 Monaten als dieses Bild entstanden ist (logisch, die Tage werden länger ;)).

  • tpe

Vor Ort

Mit 5DM3, 17-40 f4.0 L, Polfilter und 64x ND-Filter bewaffnet erreichte ich schließlich das Ziel und traf dort direkt auf Mitstreiter. Enttäuscht mussten wir leider feststellen, dass Brandenburg mal wieder zugeschlagen hatte und die gerade untergehende Sonne sich hinter einem schmalen Wolkenband befand. Aber wie hat ein gewisser Herr Jaworkskyj schon gesagt: Oft sind es die 15 Minuten NACH dem Sonnenuntergang, die entscheidend sind. Dies sollte sich auch hier bewahrheiten, nur dass es 15 Minuten gedauert hat, bis es überhaupt wieder brauchbares Licht gab. Die schon hinterm Horizont verschwundene Sonne färbte den Himmel samt Wolken wieder angenehm rot. Für die tiefer stehenden Wolken im Vordergrund reichte es nicht auf Grund des oben erwähnten Wolkenbandes.

Das Helligkeitsgefälle zwischen Himmel und Stadt war inzwischen deutlich größer geworden. Es ist nicht möglich gewesen mit einer einzelnen Belichtung den gesamten Dynamikumfang abzubilden. Natürlich wäre es möglich gewesen ein HDR vorzubereiten mit einer ganzen Belichtungsserie. Dies erschien mir aber auch wieder nicht sinnvoll, da erstens der Himmel gut aussah, wie er war, und zweitens lediglich die Stadt im Vordergrund etwas mehr Licht benötigte. Ich habe mich daher relativ spontan dafür entschieden nur 2 Aufnahmen zu machen, eine für den Himmel, eine für die Stadt und diese später durch simples Maskieren in Photoshop zu kombinieren. Der grobe Bearbeitungsplan stand zu diesem Zeitpunkt aber schon fest, so dass ichh meine Aufnahmen gezielt an meinen Plan anpassen konnte.

Die Rohaufnahmen

Die Ausrüstung viel entgegen aller Erwartungen auch sehr übersichtlich aus. Den ND-Filter habe ich aus mehreren Gründen direkt wieder eingepackt:

  1. Der rote Teil des Himmels war auf Grund der Wolkenlage ohnehin schon "schlierig" genug.
  2. Die kleinen dunklen Wolkenfetzen bieten mir in ihrer Struktur wesentlich mehr Dramatik, als graue Schleier, die nur das rot verdecken.

Auch der Polfilter blieb in der Tasche, denn:

  1. Das Licht traf fast frontal auf die Linse, die Auswirkungen des Polfilters sind dann überschaubar.
  2. Bei der Einstellung, wo er tatsächlich was am Himmel bewegt hätte, wären sämtliche Reflektionen auf dem Wasser weg gewesen. Diese sind mir aber sehr wichtig gewesen, da sie an dieser Stelle noch einmal angenehmes Licht ins Bild bringen und somit eine führende Linie zum Berliner Dom bilden.

Beide Aufnahmen sind im M-Modus entstanden. Die ISO habe ich auf 50 gestellt, Blende 8 für durchgehende Schärfe. Die Aufnahme für den Himmel ist mit 1s Verschlusszeit entstanden, die für die Stadt und die Straße mit 5s. Die perspektive erlaubte 17mm ohne große Verzerrungen, auch weil ich mich bemüht habe, den Fernsehturm nicht an den Bildrand zu quetschen, wo die Verzerrungen am größten sind.

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  • 842A5829_orig


Die Bearbeitung

Eine erste RAW-Entwicklung habe ich bereits in LR vollzogen. Insbesondere ist mir wichtig gleich am Anfang CAs zu korrigieren. Das 17-40 ist eine schöne Linse, aber man sieht oft deutliche Farbsäume und so ist auch hier der Fernsehturm nicht verschont geblieben. Später lassen sich die CAs sehr viel schlechter korrigieren, da sie durch zusätzliche Filter nicht mehr so eindeutig identifizierbar sind. Daher werden solche grundlegenden Dinge in meinem Workflow gleich am Anfang erledigt. Ansonsten wurde in der ersten Entwicklung lediglich der Kontrast optimiert über eine Kombination aus Tiefen/Lichter und Schwarz/Weiß Reglern, wie ich sie auch in diesem Video beschreibe.

{twenty}image1=2017/2017_05_29_BDM_Mai/01_orig/842A5828_orig.jpg|image2=2017/2017_05_29_BDM_Mai/02_raw1/842A5828.jpg{twenty} {twenty}image1=2017/2017_05_29_BDM_Mai/01_orig/842A5829_orig.jpg|image2=2017/2017_05_29_BDM_Mai/02_raw1/842A5829.jpg{twenty}


Alle weiteren Schritte erfolgten dann in Photoshop. Das schwierigste war es eine gute Auswahl zu erzeugen, auf deren Basis dann die Layermaske entstehen konnte, um die korrekt belichtete Stadt in den korrekt belichteten Himmel zu blenden. Ich habe dabei auf die Kanäle zurückgegriffen und auf Basis des Blau-Kanals und Tonwertkorrekturen die grundlegende Auswahl gebaut, die durch etwas Verkleinern und mit weichem Rand perfektioniert wurde. Angewendet auf den Stadt-Layer ergab sich ein bereits ansehnliches Ergebnis.

  • blaukanal
  • maskiert
  • maskierung


NIK ColorEfex

Für etwas mehr Wärme und noch ein wenig Kontrast nutzte ich dann die Nik Color Efex, speziell Warmth/Brilliance und den Detail Extractor. Ich habe mir grundsätzlich angewöhnt den dadurch entstehenden Layer sofort auf 50% Deckkraft zu stellen, um damit den Effekt zu halbieren. Anschließend verlasse ich für mindestens 10 Minuten den Bildschirm und nur wenn ich beim Zurückkehren denke, dass es zu wenig ist, stelle ich die Deckkraft höher. Das verhindert bei mir sehr gut, dass ich es mit den Effekten übertreibe.


Farbgebung durch Verlaufsumsetzung

Für etwas mehr Lila am rechten Bildrand, der ja sowieso etwas dunkler ausfällt, nutze ich eine Verlaufsumsetzung, die mit einer Layermaske und Gradienten wirklich nur in der Ecke rechts unten angewendet wird. Der Effekt bewirkt, dass die Farbgebung auf der Straße und den hellen Gebäuden deutlich weniger grün wird, was mehr dem Gesamteindruck des Bildes entspricht.



Danach erfolgte eine Schärfung per Hochpassfilter. Zum Schärfen gibt es ja sehr eigene Philosophien, ich persönlich finde die Hochpassschärfung nach wie vor absolut brilliant, da sie quasi den "Maskieren"-Regler aus Lightroom automatisch beinhaltet. Wichtig auch hier wieder: Mit Bedacht vorgehen, nicht überschärfen!


Letzter Schliff

Den Abschluss bildete eine weitere RAW-Entwicklung, bei der aber lediglich Teile im Bild per Korrekturpinsel mehr betont wurden. Dies erfolgte mit einem weichen Pinsel, für den die Belichtung um eine halbe Blendenstufe erhöht wurde.



Wer unseren Blog regelmäßig liest, dem ist vermutlich aufgefallen, dass das Bild des Monats März aus identischer Perspektive gemacht wurde. Damals lag der Fokus aber wesentlich mehr auf fotografischen Effekten, während es dieses mal hauptsächlich um Techniken der Nachbearbeitung ging. Für kommende Beiträge aus dieser Serie werde ich aber wieder auf andere Locations zurückgreifen :)

  • 842A5829_final

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56506 Kommentare

  • Kommentar-Link HarryLes Montag, 06 Januar 2025 09:51 gepostet von HarryLes

    Most plane crashes are ‘survivable’
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    First, the good news. “The vast majority of aircraft accidents are survivable, and the majority of people in accidents survive,” says Galea. Since 1988, aircraft — and the seats inside them — must be built to withstand an impact of up to 16G, or g-force up to 16 times the force of gravity. That means, he says, that in most incidents, “it’s possible to survive the trauma of the impact of the crash.”

    For instance, he classes the initial Jeju Air incident as survivable — an assumed bird strike, engine loss and belly landing on the runway, without functioning landing gear. “Had it not smashed into the concrete reinforced obstacle at the end of the runway, it’s quite possible the majority, if not everyone, could have survived,” he says.

    The Azerbaijan Airlines crash, on the other hand, he classes as a non-survivable accident, and calls it a “miracle” that anyone made it out alive.
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    Most aircraft involved in accidents, however, are not — as suspicion is growing over the Azerbaijan crash — shot out of the sky.

    And with modern planes built to withstand impacts and slow the spread of fire, Galea puts the chances of surviving a “survivable” accident at at least 90%.

    Instead, he says, what makes the difference between life and death in most modern accidents is how fast passengers can evacuate.

    Aircraft today must show that they can be evacuated in 90 seconds in order to gain certification. But a theoretical evacuation — practiced with volunteers at the manufacturers’ premises — is very different from the reality of a panicked public onboard a jet that has just crash-landed.
    Galea, an evacuation expert, has conducted research for the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) looking at the most “survivable” seats on a plane. His landmark research, conducted over several years in the early 2000s, looked at how passengers and crew behaved during a post-crash evacuation, rather than looking at the crashes themselves. By compiling data from 1,917 passengers and 155 crew involved in 105 accidents from 1977 to 1999, his team created a database of human behavior around plane crashes.

    His analysis of which exits passengers actually used “shattered many myths about aircraft evacuation,” he says. “Prior to my study, it was believed that passengers tend to use their boarding exit because it was the most familiar, and that passengers tend to go forward. My analysis of the data demonstrated that none of these myths were supported by the evidence.”

  • Kommentar-Link Stacyric Montag, 06 Januar 2025 09:51 gepostet von Stacyric

    Scientists have identified an estimated 10% of all species on Earth. Here’s what they found in 2024
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    A toothy toadstool. A vegetarian piranha with a distinctive mark. And a pygmy pipehorse floating in the Indian Ocean shallows.

    These wild wonders were among the hundreds of previously unknown species of animals, plants and fungi that scientists named and described for the first time in 2024, expanding our surprisingly limited knowledge of Earth’s diversity.

    “Scientists estimate that we’ve identified only one-tenth of all species on Earth,” said Dr.
    Shannon Bennett, chief of science at the California Academy of Sciences, in a statement.
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    “While it is critical to place protections on known threatened species, we must also allocate resources towards identifying unknown species that may be just as important to the functioning of an ecosystem,” Bennett said.

    Researchers connected to the institution described 138 new species in 2024, including 32 fish. One standout was a pygmy pipehorse named Cylix nkosi. The seahorse relative was originally found in 2021 in the cool temperate waters surrounding the North Island of New Zealand, but the species described this year was discovered in the subtropical waters off South Africa, expanding the known range of this group to the Indian Ocean

    “South African reefs present notoriously difficult diving conditions with rough weather and intense, choppy waves — we knew we only had one dive to find it,” underwater photographer and marine biologist Richard Smith said in a statement.
    “This species is also quite cryptic, about the size of a golf tee, but luckily we spotted a female camouflaged against some sponges about a mile offshore on the sandy ocean floor.”

    The researchers involved in describing the new species chose nkosi as its name. A reference to the local Zulu word for “chief,” the name reflects the species’ crown-like head shape and acknowledges South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province where it was found.

  • Kommentar-Link Hermantup Montag, 06 Januar 2025 09:50 gepostet von Hermantup

    A year ago today, things went from bad to worse for Boeing
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    At 5 p.m. PT on January 5, 2024, Boeing seemed like a company on the upswing. It didn’t last. Minutes later, a near-tragedy set off a full year of problems.

    As Alaska Airlines flight 1282 climbed to 16,000 feet in its departure from Portland, Oregon, a door plug blew out near the rear of the plane, leaving a gaping hole in the fuselage. Phones and clothing were ripped away from passengers and sent hurtling into the night sky. Oxygen masks dropped, and the rush of air twisted seats next to the hole toward the opening.
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    Fortunately, those were among the few empty seats on the flight, and the crew got the plane on the ground without any serious injuries. The incident could have been far worse — even a fatal crash.

    Not much has gone right for Boeing ever since. The company has had one misstep after another, ranging from embarrassing to horrifying. And many of the problems are poised to extend into 2025 and perhaps beyond.

    The problems were capped by another Boeing crash in South Korea that killed 179 people on December 29 in what was in the year’s worst aviation disaster. The cause of the crash of a 15-year old Boeing jet flown by Korean discount carrier Jeju Air is still under investigation, and it is quite possible that Boeing will not be found liable for anything that led to the tragedy.
    But unlike the Jeju crash, most of the problems of the last 12 months have clearly been Boeing’s fault.

    And 2024 was the sixth straight year of serious problems for the once proud, now embattled company, starting with the 20-month grounding of its best selling plane, the 737 Max, following two fatal crashes in late 2018 and early 2019, which killed 346 people.

    Still the outlook for 2024 right before the Alaska Air incident had been somewhat promising. The company had just achieved the best sales month in its history in December 2023, capping its strongest sales year since 2018.

    It was believed to be on the verge of getting Federal Aviation Administration approval for two new models, the 737 Max 7 and Max 10, with airline customers eager to take delivery. Approvals and deliveries of its next generation widebody, the 777X, were believed to be close behind. Its production rate had been climbing and there were hopes that it could be on the verge of returning to profitability for the first time since 2018.

  • Kommentar-Link Rogerpoota Montag, 06 Januar 2025 09:25 gepostet von Rogerpoota

    What New Glenn will do
    In some ways, New Glenn has already made its mark on the launch industry. Blue Origin has for years pitched the rocket to compete with both SpaceX and United Launch Alliance — a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin that buys engines from Blue Origin — for lucrative military launch contracts.
    The US Space Force selected Blue Origin, ULA and SpaceX in June to compete for $5.6 billion worth of Pentagon contracts for national security missions slated to launch over the next four years.
    Blue Origin also has deals with several commercial companies to launch satellites. The contracts include plans to help deploy Amazon’s Kuiper internet satellites and a recently inked deal with AST SpaceMobile to help launch the Midland, Texas-based company’s space-based cellular broadband network.

    New Glenn could also be instrumental in building Blue Origin’s planned space station, called Orbital Reef. Blue Origin and it commercial partners, including Sierra Space and Boeing, among others, hope the station will one day provide a new destination for astronauts as the International Space Station is phased out of service.
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    New Glenn vs. other powerful rockets
    New Glenn packs significant power. Dubbed a “heavy-lift” vehicle, its capabilities lie between SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and the more powerful Falcon Heavy launch vehicle.

    SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9, for example, can haul up to 22.8 metric tons (50,265 pounds) to space. While New Glenn is capable of carrying about double that mass, it may also be roughly the same price as a Falcon 9: reportedly around $60 million to $70 million per launch.

    “I think in order to compete with Falcon 9, you have to go head-to-head or better on price,” said Caleb Henry, the director of research at Quilty Space, which provides data and analysis about the space sector.

    The question, however, is whether Blue Origin will be able to sustain a competitive price point, Henry added.

    Still, one feature that makes New Glenn stand out is its large payload fairing, or nose cone. The component protects the cargo bay and is a whopping 23 feet (7 meters) wide — nearly 6 feet (2 meters) larger than that of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy.

    Henry said Blue Origin likely opted to outfit New Glenn with such a large fairing in order to help fulfill Bezos’ vision of the future.

  • Kommentar-Link Jeremydok Montag, 06 Januar 2025 09:24 gepostet von Jeremydok

    What’s on board this flight
    Blue Origin had planned to launch a pair of Mars-bound satellites on behalf of NASA for the first flight of New Glenn.

    But delays with the rocket’s development prompted the space agency to change course, moving that flight to this spring at the earliest. So for this inaugural flight, Blue Origin opted to instead fly a “demonstrator” that will test technology needed for the company’s proposed Blue Ring spacecraft — which will aim to serve as a sort of in-space rideshare vehicle, dragging satellites deeper into space when needed.
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    The demonstrator on this New Glenn flight will remain aboard the rocket for the entire six-hour flight, Blue Origin said, and it will validate “communications capabilities from orbit to ground” as well as “test its in-space telemetry, tracking and command hardware, and ground-based radiometric tracking.”

    The Blue Ring Pathfinder demonstrator is part of a deal Blue Origin inked with the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit.
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    Why Blue Origin wants to reuse rockets
    Similar to SpaceX, Blue Origin is aiming to recover and refly its first-stage rocket boosters in a bid to make launches less expensive.

    “Reusability is integral to radically reducing cost-per-launch,” the company said in a recent news release, using the same oft-repeated sentiment that SpaceX has touted since it began landing rocket boosters in 2015.
    Bezos, however, has acknowledged the importance of reusing rocket parts since he founded the company in 2000 — two years before Musk established SpaceX. And the company has already developed its suborbital New Shepard tourism rocket to be reusable.
    “It’s not a copy cat game,” Henry said. “Blue Origin has been pursuing reusable vehicles since before reusable vehicles were cool. Now it’s much more of a mainstream idea (because of SpaceX). The difference is that it’s taken Blue Origin so much longer to get to orbit.”

    If successful, returning the New Glenn rocket booster for a safe landing will be a stunning feat. After expending most of its fuel to propel the rocket’s upper stage to space, the first-stage booster will need to make a clean separation. The booster must then maneuver with pinpoint guidance and reignite its engines with precision timing to avoid crashing into the ocean or the Jacklyn recovery platform.

  • Kommentar-Link BryanKak Montag, 06 Januar 2025 09:20 gepostet von BryanKak

    New Glenn’s first flight
    Blue Origin formally announced the development of New Glenn — which aims to outpower SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets and haul spacecraft up to 45 metric tons (99,200 pounds) to orbit — in 2016.
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    The vehicle is long overdue, as the company previously targeted 2020 for its first launch.

    Delays, however, are common in the aerospace industry. And the debut flight of a new vehicle is almost always significantly behind schedule.

    Rocket companies also typically take a conservative approach to the first liftoff, launching dummy payloads such as hunks of metal or, as was the case with SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy debut in 2018, an old cherry red sports car.
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    Blue Origin has also branded itself as a company that aims to take a slow, diligent approach to rocket development that doesn’t “cut any corners,” according to Bezos, who founded Blue Origin and funds the company.

    The company’s mascot is a tortoise, paying homage to “The Tortoise and the Hare” fable that made the “slow and steady wins the race” mantra a childhood staple.

    “We believe slow is smooth and smooth is fast,” Bezos said in 2016. Those comments could be seen as an attempt to position Blue Origin as the anti-SpaceX, which is known to embrace speed and trial-and-error over slow, meticulous development processes.
    But SpaceX has certainly won the race to orbit. The company’s first orbital rocket, the Falcon 1, made a successful launch in September 2008. The company has deployed hundreds of missions to orbit since then.

    And while SpaceX routinely destroys rockets during test flights as it begins developing a new rocket, the company has a solid track record for operational missions. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, for example, has experienced two in-flight failures and one launchpad explosion but no catastrophic events during human missions.

  • Kommentar-Link JerryEvise Montag, 06 Januar 2025 09:07 gepostet von JerryEvise

    Chile’s President Boric leads journey to South Pole in historic trip
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    Chile’s President Gabriel Boric travelled to Antarctica’s South Pole on Friday, a place where no other Latin American president has set foot, according to the Chilean government.

    Boric led the historic two-day trip, named Operation Pole Star III, to extend the environmental monitoring of pollutants on Antarctica, Chile’s government said in a statement.

    He travelled with scientists, armed forces commanders and government ministers from the Chilean capital of Santiago to Punta Arenas, a city in southern Chile, public broadcaster Television Nacional de Chile (TVN) reported. From there, they made several stops before finally reaching the US-run Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, according to TVN.
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    Chile is one of seven countries that has a territorial claim in Antarctica, alongside Argentina, Australia, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom.

    It is also a signatory of the Antarctic Treaty, which dictates that the continent may only be used for peaceful and scientific purposes.

    While Chile has historically carried out scientific activity in Antarctica’s northern sector, the country’s government is now hoping to expand research into the west of the continent, its statement said.
    Boric called his trip to the South Pole an “honor” and a source of pride, TVN reported.

    “This is a milestone for us. It is the first time a Chilean and Latin American President has visited the South Pole,” he said, according to TVN.

  • Kommentar-Link GlennFaw Montag, 06 Januar 2025 09:06 gepostet von GlennFaw

    On a long-dormant pad in Florida, a rocket that could challenge SpaceX’s dominance is poised to launch
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    On a Florida launchpad that has been dormant for almost two decades, a new, roughly 320-foot (98-meter) rocket — developed by Jeff Bezos’ company Blue Origin — is poised for its maiden flight.

    The uncrewed launch vehicle, called New Glenn, will mark Blue Origin’s first attempt to send a rocket to orbit, a feat necessary if the company hopes to chip away at SpaceX’s long-held dominance in the industry.

    New Glenn is set to lift off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station as early as next week.
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    The rocket, which stands about as tall as a 30-story building, consists of several parts: The first-stage rocket booster gives the initial thrust at liftoff. Atop the booster is an upper rocket stage that includes a cargo bay protected by a nose cone that will house experimental technology for this mission.

    And, in an attempt to replicate the success that SpaceX has found reusing rocket boosters over the past decade, Blue Origin will also aim to guide New Glenn’s first-stage rocket booster back to a safe landing on a seafaring platform — named Jacklyn for Bezos’ mother — minutes after takeoff.

    Like SpaceX, Blue Origin will seek to recover, refurbish and reuse first-stage rocket boosters to drive down costs.

    For this inaugural mission, a smooth flight is not guaranteed.

    But the eventual success of New Glenn, named after storied NASA astronaut John Glenn, is instrumental to some of Blue Origin’s most ambitious goals.

    The rocket could one day power national security launches, haul Amazon internet satellites to space and even help in the construction of a space station that Blue Origin is developing with commercial partners.

  • Kommentar-Link DannyTal Montag, 06 Januar 2025 08:51 gepostet von DannyTal

    A year ago today, things went from bad to worse for Boeing
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    At 5 p.m. PT on January 5, 2024, Boeing seemed like a company on the upswing. It didn’t last. Minutes later, a near-tragedy set off a full year of problems.

    As Alaska Airlines flight 1282 climbed to 16,000 feet in its departure from Portland, Oregon, a door plug blew out near the rear of the plane, leaving a gaping hole in the fuselage. Phones and clothing were ripped away from passengers and sent hurtling into the night sky. Oxygen masks dropped, and the rush of air twisted seats next to the hole toward the opening.
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    Fortunately, those were among the few empty seats on the flight, and the crew got the plane on the ground without any serious injuries. The incident could have been far worse — even a fatal crash.

    Not much has gone right for Boeing ever since. The company has had one misstep after another, ranging from embarrassing to horrifying. And many of the problems are poised to extend into 2025 and perhaps beyond.

    The problems were capped by another Boeing crash in South Korea that killed 179 people on December 29 in what was in the year’s worst aviation disaster. The cause of the crash of a 15-year old Boeing jet flown by Korean discount carrier Jeju Air is still under investigation, and it is quite possible that Boeing will not be found liable for anything that led to the tragedy.
    But unlike the Jeju crash, most of the problems of the last 12 months have clearly been Boeing’s fault.

    And 2024 was the sixth straight year of serious problems for the once proud, now embattled company, starting with the 20-month grounding of its best selling plane, the 737 Max, following two fatal crashes in late 2018 and early 2019, which killed 346 people.

    Still the outlook for 2024 right before the Alaska Air incident had been somewhat promising. The company had just achieved the best sales month in its history in December 2023, capping its strongest sales year since 2018.

    It was believed to be on the verge of getting Federal Aviation Administration approval for two new models, the 737 Max 7 and Max 10, with airline customers eager to take delivery. Approvals and deliveries of its next generation widebody, the 777X, were believed to be close behind. Its production rate had been climbing and there were hopes that it could be on the verge of returning to profitability for the first time since 2018.

  • Kommentar-Link EugeneRix Montag, 06 Januar 2025 08:50 gepostet von EugeneRix

    The survivors of recent crashes were sitting at the back of the plane. What does that tell us about airplane safety?
    кракен даркнет

    Look at the photos of the two fatal air crashes of the last two weeks, and amid the horror and the anguish, one thought might come to mind for frequent flyers.

    The old frequent-flyer adage is that sitting at the back of the plane is a safer place to be than at the front — and the wreckage of both Azerbaijan Airlines flight 8243 and Jeju Air flight 2216 seem to bear that out.
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    The 29 survivors of the Azeri crash were all sitting at the back of the plane, which split into two, leaving the rear half largely intact. The sole survivors of the South Korean crash, meanwhile, were the two flight attendants in their jumpseats in the very tail of the plane.

    So is that old adage — and the dark humor jokes about first and business class seats being good until there’s a problem with the plane — right after all?

    In 2015, TIME Magazine reporters wrote that they had combed through the records of all US plane crashes with both fatalities and survivors from 1985 to 2000, and found in a meta-analysis that seats in the back third of the aircraft had a 32% fatality rate overall, compared with 38% in the front third and 39% in the middle third.

    Even better, they found, were middle seats in that back third of the cabin, with a 28% fatality rate. The “worst” seats were aisles in the middle third of the aircraft, with a 44% fatality rate.
    But does that still hold true in 2024?

    According to aviation safety experts, it’s an old wives’ tale.

    “There isn’t any data that shows a correlation of seating to survivability,” says Hassan Shahidi, president of the Flight Safety Foundation. “Every accident is different.”

    “If we’re talking about a fatal crash, then there is almost no difference where one sits,” says Cheng-Lung Wu, associate professor at the School of Aviation of the University of New South Wales, Sydney.

    Ed Galea, professor of fire safety engineering at London’s University of Greenwich, who has conducted landmark studies on plane crash evacuations, warns, “There is no magic safest seat.”

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